Tital Wave
It is amazing how sometimes you just have to stop trying so hard and then God shows you He understands and that there is hope!! I woke up the other day feeling like I just need a break from feeling like I have to figure it out and then this Owl City song, tidal wave, started playing. Some of the lyrics felt like my heart wrote them.
I forget the last time I felt brave, I just recall insecurity
Cause it came down like a tidal wave, and sorrow swept over me
Then I was given grace and love, I was blind but now I can see
Cause I found a new hope from above, and courage swept over me
It hurts just to wake up, whenever you're wearing thin
Alone on the outside, so tired of looking in
The end is uncertain and I've never been so afraid
But I don't need a telescope to see that there's hope
And that makes me feel brave
God has a plan and He sees my heart. I am thankful He doesn't stop there though! He say I see where you are and I meet you there, but I see who you really are and I would like to remind you of the fire and hope you carry. I fight for you and you can keep fighting to. No fear, no insecurity. Press in and press on!!!
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