Some will Go, Some will Send

 As a young missionary, I have a lot to learn about how to communicate my mission well. I desire for people who support me to understand that they are making an impact. I want to share testimonies of God's goodness and answers to prayer. I want to be honest and show people that it is by God's grace in my weakness that amazing things happen. But I have found that there are a few challenges I have faced and am learning from, as well as some new truths that I am passionate to share about!!

I beleive we are all called to a outward focused life and we have a mission.

"And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20

Now, this is our mission, but I think our callings can look very different. I feel called to be a missionary, while others are called to be teachers, or business owners, or parents who are raising little world changers! So when you look at missions, I think there are also some who are called to go and some who are called to send. 

I am a goer. but if no one supports me then I cannot go. I need people who have jobs and stable lives to share what they have with me so that I can be a full time young missionary! But it is more than that! When you give towards someone in missions, you are physically and spiritually making a difference in the nations. Investing in missions is like building the foundations for a house. If the foundation is there, the house can be built well and stay standing. By having people support me in prayer and financially, I can keep building my ministry. I don't have to fear my floor boards caving in and finding my self unable to stay overseas. I can invest and go where God calls me. 

Something interesting I have found is that sometimes there is space created between those in missions and those who are in a church community. Let me explain, and keep an open heart, I am just throwing some thoughts out there. 

If we allow insecurity or pride to come then this could be our mindset:

If you are the missionary it can feel like you have to strive and that you have to "sell" your mission so people will believe it is as worth it as you do. It can feel like you are a burden to people or that you are asking people to do something they wouldn't want to do by asking for support. Shame can tell you lies about how you should give up. Or you maybe judge people for not supporting you, becoming frustrated and feeling misunderstood. 

As someone who isn't in missions it can actually also feel shame when thinking about someone on the mission field. We can feel like we are not doing enough or feel less because you have not had a experience like they have. It can feel overwhelming when so many needs are out there because we can't give to everyone! Or maybe you become judgmental or critical at a need. Questions like why is the need so high, or question why someone in missions would ask for money for a car or for a new table. 

What I am getting at is that if there IS a gap in between church and missions, let's bridge it!!! What a beautiful relationship it can be. the missionary needs support and so the church can send them. When the missionary comes back they can encourage the church and build them up with testimonies of what God did!!  then the church can build up the missionary again with love and support. and the cycle continues. If you support a missionary I hope that when you get to heaven God shows you the impact you have made on the kingdom through financially giving to a missionary. Missionary, I hope you see how it was all worth it. every day, every hour, that you to will see the impact you have made for the kingdom. See the fruit of every seed planted! And obedience to God is what matters. People in mission work go where God says. People who send should do the same, ask God who and what to support. Missionaries cannot meet every need they come across and a member of a church may not be able to support every missionary. Ask Holy Spirit to guide you!!

So Chew on these things! I Have been, and I am encouraged because I look at my time here in Michigan and I feel loved, supported, and believed in. I have enjoyed seeing how God is moving and working in through my church family. I have loved sharing what I have seen God do and what He has done through me. And not only that, I see in a new perspective. I ask people to support me because I am inviting them to come with me on this journey!! 

If you read all of this, good on ya. that was a long one.


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