A blog by Lindsey Burton.
Called out of the shallows and into the depths.
I see the Ocean and i see my God. Beautiful, powerful, refreshing, captivating, mysterious, and so much bigger than me. God has won my heart and transformed my life. He has taken me from a place of shallow living to now craving the depths of a relationship with Him. It can be uncomfortable at times, but worth it. I want to inspire, teach, communicate, love, laugh, share and learn. Come with me :)
YWAM Gold Coast
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February 2015 - August 2015 I was able to be a student on a School of Worship (SOW) at Youth With A Mission Gold Coast in Australia. It was an amazing privilege to be serving as a missionary through YWAM once again and to be in an amazing community of Missionaries.
SOW 2015
During the School we learned about God's heart for worship, about worship leading, musicianship, teamwork, song writing, biblical foundations of worship, how the church has changed in it's expressions of worship, worship in missions and so much more. We served practically on the base and in the community and served through leading people into the presence of God. We all grew to love God more and learned to love each other as family. We wrote songs and grew in our gifts while working together and serving each others vision. We sought God for our community and local churches and fought for breakthrough in peoples lives and hearts. We also prayed and worshiped in cities as a way to honor God and believe in faith for revival.
Worshiping over Queenstown, NZ
On our School of Worship Outreach we served both in Australia and in Queenstown New Zealand. We worked with ywam bases and local churches to support them and encourage them in what they were doing. It was amazing to see how we could bless the body of Christ and challenge her towards greater intimacy with God. I loved the opportunities we had to share what God had done in our lives and also share from our experiences as ywam staff.
Personally, I grew so much in worship leading and in finding value in my gifts. I never believed I would be able to lead worship or write songs for a community. God has helped me find confidence and express my heart in both. Also, God has been so faithful!! At the beginning of the year this was just a desire God put on my heart. I didn't have the finances and I didn't know what to expect. God provided for the school, and I have been so blessed by serving there. I think we can be so afraid to take chances because we know there will be discomfort. However discomfort can force us to make choices and work hard for what we desire. In the end the chance can lead to amazing experiences that change your life and people who grow your heart. God is good.
Worship in DC, USA
I also returned to the Gold Coast February 2016 to help facilitate the next School of Worship. We went to the USA for our outreach, and spent the 8 weeks traveling from state to state doing worship ministry and partnering with churches and communities across the country
Here is a link if you would like to listen or download the songs we recorded as a SOW. I hope you enjoy them!!
Hello there, sorry about taking forever to update!! So last week I went on a 16 hour road trip (not including the stops and such) to Airlie Beach. Its this Beautiful location right on the ocean and a group of about 20 people from my DTS went there to help with schoolies. Schoolies is a big party after the Australians graduate High school. Its a big celebration put on by the government that not only involves theme parties and loud music but also drinking, drugs, abuse, and even deaths. During these weeks of partying students get into about everything imaginable. My team went into this environment with the intention of simply loving these young people and showing them we cared. We set up what was called the chai tent. it was a big tent, and inside we set up little tables with pillows around them and we served free slushies and chai tea. As groups would come in some of us would just sit and talk to them and as we got to know them we would ask a little bit about what they believed when...
Greeting from Michigan!! I have 3 weeks to go until I am required to be in Pemba, Mozambique! I have no idea what to think or feel, but I am definitely excited and also facing a lot of the unknown. I miss being in the ywam Gold Coast community very much, but i know that God has a plan bigger and better then mine. So I am proclaiming in Faith that I will be in Africa in a few weeks! As of right now I do not have enough funds to get flights or apply for a visa, but God is providing in different ways and I hope to have flights by the end of the week and a my visa application in the mail. Please consider giving towards these needs through my Gofundme Campaign. It is easy to give a one time gift and every bit helps. Here is a link to the page. . . . Click here to check out my Gofundme page!! I have a lot that needs to happen in the next few weeks but I really feel that instead of being stressed and worried about visas, flights, malaria, packing, deadlines, relationships or finances ...
Over the last 2 months I have had many ups and downs as I have been in transition. A transition from Africa to America. A transition from 2015 to 2016. A transition from who I was to who I am now, and finally, a transition from Michigan to the Gold Coast. God has been incredible faithful to not only come through with all I needed for flights to Australia, but also in giving me extra time to spend with friends and family. He has used things that I thought were negative and has blessed me. Leading up to this week I thought, "how is this going to happen?". I was short the funds needed, and the longer I waited to leave, the less time I would have to help in prepping for the School of Worship. However I kept believing that God would do what He said. On the weekend, I saw God provide supernaturally through people in a beautiful way. I was able to find really great flights and also be prayed out by my home church. I am humbled and in awe of God's loving kindness and the supp...
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