Chapter 2, into Chapter 3 // February and March

I feel like after months of treading water, it is finally shallow enough that I can feel the sand beneath my feet. I can stand, giving my legs and lungs a much needed break.

When I was in Mozambique at the end of 2015, I felt God burn on my heart a passion to see worship and prayer change people, cities and nations. I wanted to be involved in the movement of God that was being birthed out of hungry and holy worshipers releasing a sacrifice of praise all over the globe. Also, I wanted to see God move as I walked in obedience as a worship leader.

I have been waiting and waiting for the last year and a half to see an outworking of these promises really happen, where I was given the authority and platform to lead and impart. So back to the treading of water, God is faithful. I feel I have finally reached my destination. Sand under foot and my tired body emerging from the mass of dark, aggressive waters behind me.

                                        Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, ocean, water and outdoor

We use the phrase "a fish out of water" to express feeling like we are in a place we don't belong. A fish out of water is not only uncomfortable, but it is dying. I am not a fish. I am Lindsey, a person, and I have felt for some time that I was stuck in the deep water. More then just uncomfortable, I wasn't designed to live there. In a way, parts of me were dying. But I see the land, it now fast approaches, and i feel hope warm my aching body like the sun after a cold swim.

Being in Brisbane again has been so healing for me and I feel God's grace as I move forward, not as a perfect person, but a person still willing to say yes to God. At the end of February I joined one of our ministries called Creative Development Ministry team, or CDMT. My main role has been to now oversee the worship department of our center. I help work out logistics of teams and events, but also develop leaders and bring fresh vision for a new season! We run Community worship times for those on full time staff and those involved with our training programs every Monday. We also run events on the first 2 Wednesdays of every month where we invite people from our Brisbane community to come experience God with us. My team is also passionate about communication and media, using Social media to share all that ywam Brisbane is and is hoping to do!!

I love leading worship again and am excited for what God will do in this next year. I have some incredible people on my team, and really, I am starting to feel at home once again.

More Updates to come!!

Lindsey Burton


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