
Showing posts from December, 2014


Amazing news! I was granted my visa to go back to Australia!! I am so in awe of how quickly everything went through. Sometimes these things take months and my visa was processed and granted in a week! God is amazing. I want to thank those who have been praying. May this encourage you that our prayers make a huge difference. Now for another prayer request from me, Finances and Wisdom. I knew that in choosing to say yes to the worship school in February that I was saying yes to trusting God in a new way. I have trusted Him for finances before, especially when I have lead teams overseas. However this is a new chapter and a new need, but the same good God! So please fight with me in prayer. I want to raise enough money for my first 6 months before I leave in 5 weeks. I also need plane tickets and a few other essentials for the move. I am strangely at peace about leaving again, but in order for me to actually leave something has to happen So please pray for God to move on the r...

Live by Faith, Not by Sight

As I shared last week my Mission Vision for 2015, I am faced with an insane amount of both excitement and insanity. Yes, I know this is what I am supposed to do, but how in the world am I going to get there?? I think many people who have vision bigger then their physical situation understand what I am saying. But from the last few years God has proven to me that what I see and know are not what determines my life. Live by faith, not by sight. So I am launching a GoFundMe Campaign to raise  a good chunk of my needed funds for this next year on the mission field. This is an easy way to give a one time donation and to help me get to where God is calling me! I want to raise $7,000 by February 1, 2015. Click on the link bellow, and thank you for your support and prayers! Lindsey's Mission Vision 2015 Also, If you would like email updates or more information on how to give or partner with me, email me at Thanks!!

Stop for the One: Vision for 2015!!!

A warm hello from me to all who view my blog or have been a part of my story.  2015 is fast approaching and as a young missionary from Michigan, also know as the michiganary, I have been seeking The Lord for what next year could look like for me. I have been involved with YWAM Brisbane in Australia for a few years and after finishing a commitment there, I felt God was going to call me to something new. I am so excited to share with you now what that could look like!! So here is my vision for 2015!!! Heidi Baker, a beautiful woman of God and missionary, shares a message of "Stop for the One". She is referring to the lost, the dying, and the broken. I have felt God place this on my heart but also to look at my life and to ask myself if I stop for "The One", meaning Him. As I look back I see times where I have stopped and pursued Him with all my heart before anything else, and I remember well times I ran ahead and tried to make my own way. Because of His gra...

Good Grief? How does that work?

Something God is teaching me about right now is Grief. My first response to the word Grief had been "No thanks", however I have now been facing the question "Can grief be a good thing?". Why am I exploring grief? because I am in the middle of the grieving process. After living in Australia for 2 years, committed full on to a ministry, building relationships with those who have seen me at my best and. . . . not best :). Even though I faced many challenges, I loved what I was apart of. I was reminded often of my purpose, identity, and what God was doing. And then I left. Now don't misunderstand me,  I knew it was time to leave, God showed me that. Also, seeing friends, family and my home church was such a wonderful thing. But to say my transition has been an emotional breeze would be a complete lie. I am Grieving. It is as if I had a friend, so close to me who died and then I moved to a new place. I have memories with them, amazing and challenging, but now...