Greeting from Michigan!! I have 3 weeks to go until I am required to be in Pemba, Mozambique! I have no idea what to think or feel, but I am definitely excited and also facing a lot of the unknown. I miss being in the ywam Gold Coast community very much, but i know that God has a plan bigger and better then mine. So I am proclaiming in Faith that I will be in Africa in a few weeks! As of right now I do not have enough funds to get flights or apply for a visa, but God is providing in different ways and I hope to have flights by the end of the week and a my visa application in the mail. Please consider giving towards these needs through my Gofundme Campaign. It is easy to give a one time gift and every bit helps. Here is a link to the page. . . . Click here to check out my Gofundme page!! I have a lot that needs to happen in the next few weeks but I really feel that instead of being stressed and worried about visas, flights, malaria, packing, deadlines, relationships or finances ...
YOU FINALLY HAVE A BLOG!!! the visa sounds awesome! If you ever need help with your blog design or using blogger let me know!!