March Update SOW!!
A w arm hello from the Gold Coas t of Au stralia!! We have reached week 6 of the School of Worship. God con tinues to move in me and through me ever y da y. I am so blessed to be serving here and to be suppor ted b y so man y loving people around the world. Here are a few things God is doing!!! Opportunities to lead and serve Ever y week I am able to lead worship a t the ywam base. I also have opportunities to suppor t o thers as the y lead. I t has been amazing to step ou t in this and grow in pla ying differen t instruments , singing, seeking God, and shepherding people. I have also been able to help serve families here b y bab ysi t ting for them during the da y or during mee tings. I love being able to help in this wa y and am blessed to be in a missions communi ty wi th families who are giving their lives for God. Crea tivi ty and Evangelism During one of our lec ture weeks we focused on crea tive projec ts to show more of wha t God h...