America The Beautiful

A Warm Hello from YWAM Gold Coast!! I have a very exciting announcement!!! We have been praying as school leaders as to where our July/August overseas outreach should be and God has been faithful again to show us what to do!! We are going to the USA!!! God is moving in amazing ways in the states, but also so many have not had a personal encounter with God's love. So many in the States are spiritually starving and do not know God. He is showing us that we are to be apart of what is happening there and I am beyond excited!! I had to lay down my desire to minister in America when God told me to move back to Australia, but He is faithful!!!! As a Worship school we are believing for revival in America and for worship and prayer to pave the way for a outpouring unlike any other we have witnessed!! This past weekend, in Los Angeles, over 100,000 have gathered for Azusa Now 2016. The Churches are coming together and crying out for a outpouring of the Holy Spirit t...