
Showing posts from June, 2014

Outreach 2014 (Australia/England/Norway)

Team Australia/England/Norway Hey Everyone!! I haven't updated my page here as much as I update my Facebook page, but a lot has happened in the last month. The lecture phase of the DTS came to a finish with a final project week and also a lot of outreach prep. Outreach teams are beginning to leave for their locations. Our Sports DTS has teams currently in Brazil for the world cup, and also a team in Scotland. Our MAD DTS had a team leave this weekend who are traveling around Australia to country towns and costal cities to share God's love. Our team was planning on leaving this coming week, but because of finances we are waiting another week before heading to England and Norway. While here we will serve more locally and hopefully go into schools, prep for Global Outreach Day on the 14th, and other things. Please be praying for our teams finances! I still personally need $500 this week and as a team we are still in need $7,500. We plan on leaving next weekend! We are going ...