Update for the month of Feb!! and weekly Schedule
Hey everyone! Our MAD DTS 2013 began February 13. We have 9 staff and 17 students. Week one of the dts was on the Character and Nature of God. We had our lectures with the Beach 2 Bush and Sports DTSs as well. It was an amazing first week. Last week The MAD school had teachings on Hearing the Voice of God. Jason Salari, who was my DTS school leader, was the speaker. He has amazing communication skills and is a man who lives what He teaches. I want to take some time to explain more of our weekly schedule here on the MAD DTS. I hope this gives you a better picture of what we are doing here in Brisbane!!! Monday: (7:30-8:00) - The MAD staff get together and pray (8:00-10:30) - We do some base wide cleaning together and then have a community meeting (10:30-12:30)- Lecture time for students and staff (2:30-3:30) - Family time as a school (3:30-5:30) - Students work on homework and the Staff have a meeting (7:30-9:00) - Some sort of school activity or teaching ...